Cabled Mic & Stand, Handheld Wireless Mic, Lapel Wireless Mic, Countryman Headset Mic, Media Cart with Mixer, 72″ HD TV, 50″ HD TV, Projector & Screen, Small Mixer, Board Operator for 4 Hours, Laser Pointer/Clicker, Bose Sound System, Concert System, Laptop, Conference Telephone, Power Strip (standard), Extension Cord 10′-25′.
Beverages and bar services
Lake Granbury Conference Center holds a liquor license and is available to provide alcohol service for your events. Bar set up fee is $190 which includes TABC certified bartender, portable bar, disposable cups, ice, mixers, garnish and beverage napkins, bar set up and clean up. Glass barware is available for rent. One bar is required per 100 guests.
Please review our approved catering list and choose your menu from the many diverse, local restaurants. The lessee will order catering only from the approved catering list. No other outside food or beverages allowed.
Food and beverages
We serve a variety of non-alcoholic beverages such as coffee, tea, water, and soda. We also offer a continental breakfast, which includes donuts and kolaches, as well as snacks, perfect for any daytime event or party!
1/9-11 Texas Parks and Wildlife - Region 6 State Parks Division
1/12-14 (TAHPERD) Texas Association For Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
1/16 Visit Granbury - Hotelier Meeting
1/19-20 Activate Women's Conference
1/20 Visit Granbury - GooseBump Jump (PARKING AT HEWLETT PARK)
1/23 Granbury Chamber - Women in Business Speed Networking
1/24 Move-In
1/25 Granbury Chamber - Best of Business Awards
2/1-2 City of Midlothian - City Council Retreat
2/1 Move-In
2/2-4 Atlas Spa Show
2/5 Move-Out
2/5 Granbury Chamber - Candidate Forum
2/6 Arts Commission Board Meeting
2/9 Granbury Chamber - Leaders in Government (City/County)
2/12 Texas Lake Trails Board Meeting
2/14 Granbury Chamber - Leadercast Spark
2/15 Ruth's Place - Handsome Hunks Fundraiser
2/17 K-Hits - Mardi Gras Party
2/19-21 Vulcan Materials - Company Training
2/20 Visit Granbury - Hotelier Meeting
2/22-23 (TCMA) Texas City Management - Courtney Sharp City Management Clinic
2/28-3/1 Early Childhood Christian Network - Directors Retreat
3/6-8 Morrison Healthcare Food Services Retreat
3/7 Granbury Chamber - Coffee & Connections
3/9 Sons of the Republic of Texas Conference
3/12 Hybrid Financial Freedom Client Dinner
3/13-14 Allied Universal Meeting
3/15 Move-In
3/16 HankFM Home and Garden Trade Show
3/18-22 Stride Inc. - K-12 Testing
3/19 Visit Granbury - Hotelier Meeting
3/20 TCMA Region 8 Meeting
3/23 United Way of Hood County - Dueling Pianos Fundraiser
3/28 Move-In
3/29-31 Ink Masters Tattoo Show
4/2 (ARCIT) Association of Rural Communities in Texas Conference
4/5 Chamber - Leaders in Government (Education)
4/8-9 (TABC) Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
4/9 AG Texas Farm Credit Services - Youth Banquet
4/10 (TACLS) Texas Association for Clinical Laboratory Science Conference
4/15-5/3 Stride Inc. - K-12 Testing
4/15 Marathon Digital Hiring Event
4/16 Visit Granbury - Hotelier Meeting
4/18-20 Texas Gourd Society/Dallas Gourd Patch - North Texas Gourd Festival
4/22-25 Targa Resources Conference
4/30 Chamber - Intergovernmental Coalition
5/1-3 Stride Inc. - K-12 Testing
5/1-3 (TML) Texas Municipal League Small Town Conference
5/5-7 Gammill Quilting with Confidence Conference
5/8 Chamber - Leadercast G.H.O.A.T. Broadcast
5/8 Texas Alliance of Land Brokers Luncheon
5/9 Granbury High School - Band Banquet
5/14 Chamber - Women in Business Luncheon
5/15 Chamber - Business Development
5/17-18 (AAC) Antique Automobile Club of America 70th Annual Tour
5/20 Granbury High School - Choir Banquet
5/22 Visit Granbury - Friends of Tourism Brunch
5/25 Green 50th Wedding Anniversary
5/28 Workforce Solutions Retreat
5/30 Move-In
5/31-6/2 Atlas Spa Show
6/1-2 Atlas Spa Show
6/3 Move-Out
6/4 United Way Luncheon
6/6-8 (LSSRA) Lone Star Street Rod Association Car Show (Hewlett Park)
6/14-15 Uprising Women's Conference
6/17-21 Stride, Inc. - K-12 Testing
6/18 Visit Granbury - Hotelier Meeting
6/21-23 Coaches Outreach Ministry - Marriage Retreat
6/25 Granbury Chamber - 4th of July Meeting
6/26 City of Granbury - Budget Workshop
6/29 Aspen Dental - Awards Banquet
7/13 Mission Granbury - 90's Trivia Night
7/16 Visit Granbury - Hotelier Meeting
7/20 CC Markets 4 Days - Vendor Pop-Up
7/24-27 (TASCOE) Texas Association of FSA County Office Employees Conference
7/28 Heights Church - Night of Worship w/ Josh Weathers
8/1 (TCA) Trinity Christian Academy - Theater Camp
8/2 Tarleton State University - SES Retreat
8/5-8 Texas Texas Association of 4H (Head, Heart, Hands, and Health) Conference
8/9 Chamber - Leaders in Government (State)
8/14-15 North Texas Justice of the Peace and Constables Conference
8/16 Move-IN
8/17 The Ranch/K-Hits - Sportsman Extravaganza
8/20 Visit Granbury - Hotelier Meeting
8/21 Chamber - Business Development
8/22 Paluxy River Children's Advocacy Center - Heroes with Handbags
9/9 TECQ Public Meeting
9/12 Ruth's Place - Fundraiser
9/17 Visit Granbury - Hotelier Meeting
9/17-18 Medline - Meeting
9/19 Move-In
9/19-22 Spooky Spectacle
9/23 Move-In
9/24 Chamber - Women in Business Conference
9/27 Move-In
9/28 HankFM & The Ranch - LakeFest
10/1 Sparkle Wellness - Training
10/8 Sparkle Wellness - Training
10/11 (TLA) Texas Library Association - District 7 Meeting
10/15 Visit Granbury - Hotelier Meeting
10/15 Hank FM Seminar
10/17 Granbury Opera Guild - Bingo Night
10/18 Chamber - Leaders in Government (Federal)
10/22 Sparkle Wellness - Training
10/23 Chamber - Leadercast Teams Broadcast
10/24 Rancho Brazos Community Center - Fundraiser
10/25 Granbury Art Alliance - Dan and Judy Cotes Western Art Show VIP Night
10/26 Granbury Art Alliance - Dan and Judy Cotes Western Art Show
10/29 Chamber - (RLG) Rising Leader of Granbury Conference
10/29 Sparkle Wellness - Training
11/1-3 Mary Kay Retreat
11/4 United Way - Non-Profit Awards
11/6 Chamber - Intergovernmental Coalition
11/6-7 Region 11 ESC (Education Service Center) Conference
11/7-8 Move-In
11/9 Lake Granbury Area Beautification Council - Jewel Ball
11/16 CC Markets 4 Days - Vendor Pop-Up Show
11/12 Sparkle Wellness - Training
11/19 Visit Granbury - Hotelier Meeting
11/20 Chamber - Business Development
12/3 Town Square Title - Client Appreciation
12/6 Javelin Energy - Employee Holiday Party
12/7 Mission Granbury - Christmas Gala
12/12 City of Granbury - Employee Holiday Lunch
12/14 Van Griffith KIA Employee Party
12/17 Visit Granbury - Hotelier Meeting
12/31 HankFM & The Ranch - NYE Party on the Boardwalk